Calling for backup - You can use a flare gun to call people from a nearby settlement to help you.
Connecting wires - You can press spacebar to connect wires from a generator to an object to that you want to power.
Moving large structures - You can hold down the (USE BUTTON) to select an entire structure to move inside your settlement.
This will link resources and inventories of the settlements. It allows you to assign settlers to create supply lines between settlements.
Useful perk - The local leader perk is very useful if you are into building settlements.
Simply explore your settlement and look for items like old trees, metals, etc.
Extra Scrap for Building - Settlements contain a lot of extra scrap you can use to craft things.
The good news is settlement building and crafting are optional in Fallout 4! You can take a break and do the main quest, side quests and explore, without having to worry about your settlements.
Feeling Overwhelmed? - Managing many settlements can be overwhelming sometimes.
Try to move junk and store it somewhere to improve the look of your settlement.
Fix Up Settlements - You can fix up your settlements in many different ways.
Improving Settlements - To improve the happiness and defense rating of your settlement, make sure it has plenty of food, water, beds and shelter.
More settlers - In order to get more settlers to your settlement, you must first craft a radio beacon.
Here are a bunch of tips and tricks for the post apocalyptic survival shooter, Fallout 4.